Learn about the different options available besides placing cash or checks in the offertory basket during the collection at any weekend service.
Online giving allows for a specific dollar amount to be charged to a debit or credit card, with a small transaction fee subsidized by the Parish. You can set up online giving either as a one-time donation or a recurring gift. Online giving is not only easy, but it's also safe and secure. This option helps individuals and families remain faithful in their giving even when they are out of town or unable to attend a weekend service.
If you are new to online giving and would like to begin the process, please click here to set up your account. Our provider offers a specific dollar amount to be charged to a debit or credit card, or ACH withdrawal via your checking or savings account.
Please enter your contact information and an email address when you get to the appropriate WeShare screen. By doing this, you will receive receipts via email and your payment information and history will be stored for your future viewing. The first time you enter your contact information, you will receive (via email) a temporary password which will expire within 24 hours for your security. Please complete your transaction and then immediately login again to complete your account setup.
The Parish will also process ACH (Automatic Withdrawal) if you would rather not set this up with our online giving provider. These are tithing payments that you initialize and authorize which are sent through the ACH (Automatic Clearing House) network, a free service to the Parish. The ACH method of payment helps individuals and families remain faithful in their giving even when they are out of town or unable to attend a weekend service. For recurring gifts from a checking or savings account, please sign up for ACH by downloading the form and sending it to our office.
Click Here: ACH Church Contribution Form
Add Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church as a payee through your online banking website. If possible, please include your envelope number as your account number. Your envelope number can be obtained from the Parish Office.
Some Parishioners elect to make an additional one-time significant contribution at the end of the calendar year, which can also be reflected on their Parish contribution statement for that year's taxes. With a little planning, your gifts can make a significant difference well beyond our lifetime.
A gift to the Church through an individual's will or estate plan can be a meaningful testament to one's faith, an inspiration to family and friends and a force for life-changing ministry in the world. A couple of common opportunities to consider:
1. Tithe your estate. Old traditions call for tithing for the weekly offertory at 10% of your weekly income. Making a 10% gift to the Church from your estate can do a lot of good.
2. Declare a dollar amount to be left to the Church.
General Operating Fund: Donations to Our Lady of Fatima support its General Operating Fund. This fund makes possible the day-to-day operation of the Parish and its various ministries and programs.